The Virginia corporation, Dominion Energy, and a consortium of industry and academic partners are studying the potential for offshore wind power in their region.    In an effort to reduce offshore turbine foundation costs the Virginia Offshore Wind Cost Reduction through  Innovation  Study  (VOWCRIS)  project  was  launched  with  the  objective  to  identify  cost reductions through innovation. It is an integrated systems approach to the feasibility-level design, performance, and cost-of-energy estimate for a notional 600-megawatt offshore wind project.  The Titan platform is one of three foundation types compared in detail.   Read this Poster overview, and the full report.  

Proven in the Ocean

E.ON Climate & Renewables, Nordic AB is developing an offshore wind farm of about 200 units within the area of Södra Midsjöbanken in the Baltic Sea.  E.ON has constructed a Titan design movable met tower that is installed and collecting data.  This design is patented (US 7,163,355 B2) by Offshore Windpower Systems of Texas, and is represented exclusively on the Northeast USA Atlantic coast by Windbase Offshore Inc.

Windbase Offshore Inc.

Offshore Meteorological Towers

The Titan platform is fully designed for a 300-foot meteorological tower and a Titan model built to our design is now installed as shown above.  For more details read the OWPST Brochure for Offshore Met Towers.